Materials for the Medieval History of Indonesia

1366.00.00 - 1391.04.00 - 1395.05.00

[1366 - April-May 1391 - May-June 1395] Charters of Biluluk. The king confirms a rescript, kept by the Families of Biluluk, that regulates the right to scoop salt-water, the festival-duties and the punishment for misbehaviour. According to van Stein Callenfels, Oudheidkundig Verslag 1918. Pigeaud, 1, p. 115-117. - Pigeaud, 3, p. 166-168.

[I Charter of 1366]

[Recto] hiku suratingong, kagugona dene si samasanak ing biluluk, rehane wnang acibukana bañu asin, tatkala pujane pisan / satahun, hawalera sapeken, hapan iku wnang katama ktmu hing kunakuna, tanpa dola ta hiya tanpa weweha, adol po / hiya haweweh, kadendaha ta hiya dening panampan sadendaning amomotot, hana po dene pamujane, 300, nangke / n tahun, panangkane metu saking adapur, pagagareme, ku, 7, nangken wulan, hiku kawruhane si paradapur ing pinggir samadaya /

[Verso] makanguni kang adapur ing majapahit, siwihos kuneng yan hanangrubuhakna wangçaningong kang biluluk, kang tanggulunan, a / mangguha papa, sanghyang trayodaçasaksi amatyanana, dentamatyanana, yan humalintang ring tgal, sahuten dening ula mandi yan ma / reng alas dmakning mong, manglangkahana mingmang, yan mareng banwagöng sahuten denin wuhaya, mumul, tuwiran, yan liwat ing hawan göng kasopa wu / languna, yan hudan samberen ing glap, yan haneng umahnya katibanagni tanpa warsa, liputen gsengana de hyang agni wehen bhasmibhuta saha dr / wyanya, tanpanoliha ring wuntat, tarung ring adgan, tampyal i kiwan uwah i tngenan, tutuh tunduhnya, blah kapalanya, sbit wtengnya, tatas dada / nya, wtwaken dalemanya, pangan dagingnya, inum rahnya, at-her pepedaken wehi pranantika, bwangaken ing akaça, tibaken ing kawah, astu, i çaka 1288.

[II Charter of April-May 1391]

[Recto] Hiku wruhane si parajuru ning asambewara, samadaya, yen andikaningong, amagehaken andikanira tala / mpakanira paduka bhatara çri parameçwara sira sang mokta ring wisnubhawana, dene kaluluputane si parawangça ring / biluluk, asambewara sarwwa papat, hadagang, hamahat, hajagal, hamalanten, hamdel, hamuter, hanglaksa hanga / pu, mangkana manih kang atunggu kasiman, asambewara, sarwwa tunggal, hiku ta luputa ring arikpurih saprakara, padadah, pawiwaha, /

[Verso] patatar, pasadran, byangkatan, palalandep, palalajer, pararajeg, pabata, pabale, parahab, pasusuk, parawuhan, / luputing titiban, sahang, cabe, kumukus, kapulaga, wsi, kawali wsi, pinggan, pangjalin, kapas, makanguni tahil paduging luputa, ndan ta knaha ring pa / mihos, maler, anuta rehe kang sajiwajiwa, limangatus ing wong tunggal, makadon anaha si parajuru hanagiha pepek i rehane marekeringong, lawan dene / jajakane, sasangkulane, kaponakane, kang amahat ing biluluk i rehane luputen tahil jajalukan sangu pangisi kandi, kang rajamudra yen uwus kawaca / kagugona dene si parawangça ring biluluk, titi ka, 2, i çaka 1313. ru panguni, ma /

[III Charter of May-June 1395]

[Recto] hiku wruhane kang anampak tahil ing anananda hananandu, hatuku latek, sakalwiraning anampak / yen andikaningong, dene si parawangça ring biluluk, ring tanggulunan, i rehane luputa ring tahil ing anananda / hananandu, hatuku latek, luputa, makadona po hana hanagiha tahil ing ananandu, hananandu, hatuku / latek, ing parawangça ring biluluk, ring tanggulunan, i rehane mareka iringong, aja, den sidigawe / si parawangça ring biluluk, ring tanggulunan, kang rajamudra yen uwus kawaca, kagugona dene si pa / rawangça ring biluluk, tithi, masa jyastha, i çaka 1317.

[I Charter of 1366]

[Recto] This is Our rescript, to be kept by the Family of Biluluk, concerning the right to scoop salt water, at the time of their religious festival, once / a year, that shall be limited to five days, for that is the right that is inherited and found of old. Without selling now shall it be and without giving. Anyone who yet sells / or gives shall be fined by the receiver as much as the fine of a person who grabs ears of rice from the fields. There still is the matter of their festival-duty, 300 cash, every / year, its provenance is from the adapurs (1) , their salt-duty, 7 ku every month. This shall be known by the common dapurs of Pinggir altogether /

[Verso] and also by the adapurs of Majapahit. Another matter now; if anybody would destroy Our Family of Biluluk and of Tanggulunan, / he shall meet misfortune, the holy Thirteen Witnesses shall kill him. Your killing him shall be: when he crosses a field he shall be bitten by a poisonous snake, when he goes / to the forest he shall be felled by a tiger, or he shall step over entangling roots, when he goes to the big water he shall be bitten by an alligator or a mumul or a tuwiran, when he passes a high-road he shall become exhausted and dizzy, / when it rains he shall be struck by lightning, when he is in his house fire shall fall upon him without any rain, he shall be overwhelmed and burnt by the holy Fire, he shall be turned to ashes together with his possessions, / without looking backwards fight him where he stands, strike him on his left side and pass on to the right side, hit his back, split his head, rip his belly open, cleave his breast, / tear his bowels out, eat his flesh, drink his blood, then finish him, give him his life's ending, throw him away in the air, let him fall into hell. So be it. In Shaka 1288.

[II Charter of April-May 1391]

[Recto] This must be known by the common chiefs of the tradespeople altogether, that it is Our Word, confirming the Word of / His Grace the Magnificent Lord the Illustrious Parameshwara, He the honoured Released in Wisnu's Abode, concerning the exemption of the Families of / Biluluk, tradespeople, four in all: merchants, tappers of sugar-palms, butchers, bleachers of textiles, dyers with indigo, millers of oil-mills, vermicelli-makers, lime-burners, / and so too of the residents at Kasiman, tradespeople, one [family] in all, these now shall be exempt from arik-purih taxes and all dues of that kind: padadah (3) , pawiwaha (4), /

[Verso] patatar (5), pasadran (6), byangkatan (7), palalandep (8), palalajer (9), pararajeg (10), pabata (11), pabale (12), parahab (13), pasusuk (14), parawuhan (15), / exempt from titiban (16) of pepper, capsicum, cubeb, cardamom, iron, iron pans, dishes, rattan, cotton, and also from the tahil (17) padugi (18) they shall be exempt. But then they shall be liable to / pamihos (19) with a limit, making allowance for their conditions man by man, of five hundred each. [This rescript is issued] with this end in view: in case there might be common chiefs who press for full payment, in that case they (21) enter into Our Presence. Further concerning / the men-servants, the bondmen, the nephews of the sugar-palm tappers of Biluluk, for that matter they shall be exempt from the tahil [due] asked for provision on the way and for stuffing the sack. This Royal Seal on being read / shall be kept by the Families of Biluluk. Dated in the 2nd month, Shaka-year 1313.

[III Charter of May-June 1395]

This must be known by persons who take the metayers' tahil [due], buying saliferous matter, anybody who takes it, that this is / My Word, concerning the Families of Biluluk and Tanggulunan, in that case they shall be exempt from the metayers' tahil / in the buying of saliferous matter, they shall be exempt. [This rescript is issued] with this end in view: in case there might be yet persons who would press their claim for the metayers' tahil in the buying / of saliferous matter from the Families of Biluluk and Tanggulunan, in that case they (25) should enter into My Presence. Do not worry / the Families of Biluluk and Tanggulunan. This Royal Seal, on being read, shall be kept by the Families / of Biluluk. Dated in the month Jyaistha (26) , in the Shaka-year 1317.

(1) the commoners
(3) for the massaging on the occasion of a birth
(4) on the occasion of a wedding
(5) for the ladder [of the pyre?]
(6) for the posthumous ceremonies for the dead
(7) for transports
(8) for sharp implements
(9) for poles
(10) for hedges
(11) for bricks
(12) for pavilions
(13) for roofing material
(14) for pegs [?]
(15) for guests of high rank
(16) compulsory buying
(17) due
(18) for the coming up [?]
(19) capitation-tax [?]
(21) the Biluluk Families
(25) the Families
(26) May-June

first adaptation 19.08.2010 Benjamin Berndt and Mats Homann / revised 17.12.2010 /
first draft, not proofread /