Materials for the Medieval History of Indonesia


[October-November] 1269 Sarwadharma Charter. The Charter regulates contributions and geographic problems of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds in the land of Janggala and Pangjalu. According to Brandes-Krom, Oud-Javaansche Oorkonden, vol. II, 1913, p. 188. Pigeaud, 1, p. 99-103. - Pigeaud, 3, p. 143-150

[Plate 1, verso] swasti çri çakawarsatita, i çaka 1191, karttikamasa tithi pañcami çu / klapaksa, wa, ka, wr, wara langkir, uttarasadha naksatra, wiçwade / wata, ganda yoga, wairajya muhurtta, barunaparwweça, walawa karana, / mrcchika raçi, irika diwaçanyajña çri sakalajagatnatheça, narasingham urttyani / nditaparakrama, açesarajanyacudamaninarpitabharanarawinda, çokasantapi / tasujanahrdayambujawawodhanaswabhawa çri krtanagaranamabhiseka, tinadah de rakrya / n mahamantri katrini rakryan mantri hino, rakryan mantri sirikan, rakryan mantri halu, umingsor i para tanda / çri /

[Plate 2, recto] rakryan ri pakirakiran makabehan rakryan apatih makasikasir kbo arema, rakryan dmung / mapañji wipaksa, rakryan kanuruhan mapañjyanurida, makadi sang mantri wagmima / ya, paranitijña, nusantaramadhuranathanukulakarana, mapasenggahan sang rama / pati, tan kawuntat sang pamgat i tirwan dang acaryya dharmmadewa, sang pamget ing kandamuhi / dang acaryya smaradahana, sang pamget i manghuri dang acaryya smaradewa, sang pamget ing jamba dang a / caryya çiwanatha, sang pamget ing pañjang jiwa dang acaryya graja, mpungku dharmmadhyaksa ri kaçe / wan dang acaryya çiwanatha, mapañji tanutama, i pingsornyajña çri maharaja ku /

[Plate 2, verso] monaken ring kabuyutan ri lokeçwara, tkeng wisaya punpunan sang hyang / sarwwadharmma, parhyangan, ityewamadi, padamla / kna sang hyang rajapraçasti macihna krtanagara kapangkwan i wisaya punpunan sang hyang sa / rwwadharmma magehakna pangraksa çri maharaja ri kaswatantran sang hyang sarwwadharmma, sambandha mpu / ngku dharmmadhyaksa mapañji tanutama, dinulur deni wisaya punpunan sang hyang sarwwadharmma / ing bhumi janggala pangjalu, pinakasopananyan / ken sowang /

[Plate 3, recto] sowang byet hajyan lakwalakwan adoh apare, amijilaken padadar, pamdihan, paga / rem, mareng juru, buyut, kabayan, aweh patumbak tamwi, panghulu bañu nguni / nguni pamujaken tahun, padacangan, yatikanmahaken trasanya, an tinitih bcik / dening thani bala, pinisakitan tan kinawruhinanya, nimittanyan apulung rahyangi / ndid bhrta sakawat bhuming janggala pangjalu, marek ri sang ramapati, mwang ri rakryan apatih makaso / pana mpungku dharmmadhyaksa mapañji tanutama, sang ramapati, pwa sakatadharmmacintana, tan hup tan / kuminkin ing karaksaning sarwwadharmma, pitowi pwan hana turunyanugraha bhatara jaya çri wisnuwa /

[Plate 3, verso] rddhana irikang sarwwadharmman sapiha sakeng thani bala, ngunikala sang apañji patipati dha / rmmadhikarana, nimittanyan enak ka kaniçcayan iki pinintonaken sang apañji tanuta / ma ri sang ramapati, karana sang ramapati dinulur de rakryan apatih sacchaya mwang sang apañji ta / nutama, marek ri çri maharaja ring wisaya punpunan sang hyang sarwwadharmma, mratisubaddhakna panapih bha / tara jaya çri wisnuwarddhana, ring wisaya punpunan sang hyang sarwwadharmma sakeng thani bala, makadona / kaswatantransang hyang sarwwadharmma, mangdadyakna sthiratarani palinggih çri maharaja ring ratnasingha / sana, pinakekacatraning sayawadwipa, pinakottunggadewa sang samantaprabhu ring bhumi /

[Plate 4, recto] janggala pangjalu, mangkana rasani hatur sang ramapati, winuriwuri deni hatur akryan apati / h piniresepaken deni sang apañji tanutama, çri maharaja prabhu dewangça, dharmmamu / rttyawatara, inahaken bhatara paramakarana, sumapwana kalengkaning bhuwana, munarjiwakna / sarwwadharmma, malwyaknang jagaddhita, makawyakti gati sang prabhu, an satyadiwihitaçilanucara, / pitowi pwan kakawaça deni hatur ning pada wagmimaya, sarisaryy anghaturaken heyopade / ya, karana çri maharaja, an wawang manganumoda ri hatur sang ramapati, dinulur / de rakryan apatih sacchaya mwang sang apañji tanutama, an tikang wisaya punpunan sang hyang sa /

[Plate 4, verso] rwwadharmma, sapiha sakeng thani bala, maryy anutakna byet danghani thani bala, byet hajya / n agöng admit, lakwalakwan adoh aparö, turunturun sagem sarakut sakeng thani / bala, maryy amijilakna padadar, pamdihan, pagagarem, mareng juru, buyut, kabaya / n, maryy aweha papinda pa [ng] ti, patiklanggas, panghulu bañu, mareng thani balanya, sowang so / wang, kuneng yan panuku bañu ikang thani bala pangaçrayanya, tumatatukwa sapanut sa / ni sawahnya ikang kalagyan, tanpa mijilakna panulis, kuneng ikang tan pgat awijila / knanya mareng thani bala, pamuja juga, wyaktyanyan tan pgata pamaraçrayanya ring thani bala /

[Plate 5, recto] yapwan hana kaharep sang prabhu rikang wisaya punpunan sang hyang sarwwadharmma, byet hajyanan, lakwa / lakwan, pintapalaku salwiranya kewala katemwa ri mpungku dharmmadhyaksa juga, tan kahawa / ta sakeng thani bala, kuneng kolahulaha sang hyang rajapraçasti an pinuja denikang wisa / ya punpunan sang hyang sarwwadharmma, amagut apajöng kuning, acuringa rahina wngi, ndan haywa tekang wisa / ya punpunan sang hyang sarwwadharmmanghiras watek, angiwwa rare, abañwabañwa, apugata, awarawaranga ri / khalani kapujan sang hyang rajapraçasti, muwah kawnangakn ikang wisaya punpunan sang hyang sarwwadharmma kha / lang kalagyan, paryyangan, mwang dharmma jumput, ri kalanyan pamuja ri sang hyang prasada kabhaktyan /

[Plate 5, verso] sowang sowang, wnang ajnwahalang, asumping tuñjung siniwak, muwah anugraha çri maharaja / amaluyaken kaswatantran sang hyang sarwwadharmma, tan kaknana de sang wisaya punpunan sang hyang sarwwa / dharmma ri pamdang tanghiran, pakudur panghurang, pakris, pasrah anganggwawali, tuwuh watu, huri / p anak, kembang i pöng tutuñjung, tepel sang ratu tunggak ning garyyang, nawagraha, nagapuspa, wnang a / nusuna salö, aguntinge ruhur bale, wnang añjamaha kawula, amupuha kawulenakwake / n, amupuha ngrahana, ingirup ingirir ing parud amangana salwirning rajamangça kadya / ngganing badawang, wdus gunting, karung pulih, pjahaning rara, asu tugel, ananema kamale rumambat i /

[Plate 6, recto] ngumah, ananema kembang kune ri harepan, ananema galuguh, adrwya patetengahan aja / ngw agading, ikang juru kula, mangkana rasanyanugraha çri krtanagara ri wisaya punpunan sa / rwwadharmma sakawat bhumi janggala pangjalu, ri wruhanikang sakala jana ryyatiçayani kadharmmapara / yanan çri maharaja an pinakekacchatraning sayawadwipa, maluyaken pangeki / krtabhumi janggala pangjalu, matangyan dadi ta sang hyang rajapraçasti, malawölawö krtanaga / ra, magehaken kaswatantran sang hyang sarwwadharmma, sampun umunggwing ripta, hinlepan pitawastra, pinangkwa / ken irikang wisaya dharmma samudaya, ri sanmata para tanda rakryan makabehan, manghaturakn i /

[Plate 6, verso] kang wisaya dharmma, sa( )na, ka, 1, su, 3, ri çri maharaja pamuspanyan sampun krtanu / graha, kuneng ri sdenganya hana ngruddhamungkilmungkila ri rasa sang hyang rajapraçasti, salwiranya / yadyan caturwarnna, brahmana, ksatriya, weçya, çudra, athawa, caturaçrama, brahmacari, / grhastha, wanaprastha, bhiksuka, makadi sang prabhu mantry anagata, mwang pinghay akurug anak thani ya / wat umulahulah i rasa sang hyang rajapraçasti, tan atguh karaksan i kaswatantran sang hyang sarwwadharmma / tasmat kabyet karmmaknanya, sakulagotranyamuktya phalaning pataka mahapataka, atipata / ka, phalanyan manghulahaken hanyayaprawrtti, kawulakan de sang hyang trayodaça saksi, a /

[Plate 7, recto] ditya candra panilonalaçca, dyoh bhumirapohrdayam yamaçca, ahaçca ratra / çca tathaçcasanmya dharmaçca janakinarayawrttam, mangkana pwa, yo rajanugraham hatwa, / mohat murkho naro hi sah, paraparakulais sarwwaih, rorawam yantu sarwwada, yawat bhu / tanikah srstwa, tawad janmi punar yyadi, ksudra jantu çarirani, prapnuyarcca narodhama, ya / di syan manusibhutah, kliwah kustaçca bamanah, an ( ) omattohyapasmaro, kubjah pa / ngguh kunis tatha, nahan katmahanyan dadi wwang ri huwusnyan tumempuh ring maharorawa //a / stu astu astu// om nama çiwaya // o //

[Plate 1, verso] Hail! Illustrious Shaka years passed, in Shaka 1191 (1) , in the month Karttika (2) , date the fifteenth / of the waxing moon. Waya (3), Kaliwon (4), Werhaspati (5), in the week Langkir (6), Uttarasadha constellation, Wishwa deity, / Ganda conjunction, Wairajya hour, Baruna prawesha (7) , Walawa karana (8), / Werschika (9) zodiac-sign, that was the time of the order of the whole world's Protectors' Master, the blameless Narasinghamurti's activities continuing [as successor], / "having by all other Kings' front-jewels satiated ornaments for lotus", "by sorrow burned / virtuous people's hearts like lotusses refreshing by nature", the Illustrious Kertanagara by consecration name, received by the Right Honourable / the Great Mandarins Three: the Right Honourable the mandarin Hino, the Right Honourable the mandarin Sirikan, the Right Honourable the mandarin Halu, descending to the common headmen /

[Plate 2, recto] the Right Honourable gentlemen of the Council altogether, the Right Honourable the vizir bearing the name of honour Kebo Arema (11) , the Right Honourable the chamberlain / Master Wipaksa the Right Honourable the chancellor Master Anurida, with as principal the honoured mandarin, the eloquent, / "familiar with the others' policy", "the other islands', Madura's Protectors rendering obedient", with the exalted name the honoured Ramapati. / Not left behind are: the honoured gentleman of Tirwan doctor Dharmadewa, the honoured gentleman of Kandamuhi / doctor Smaradahana, the honoured gentleman of Manghuri doctor Smaradewa, the honoured gentleman of Jamba doctor / Shiwanatha, the honoured gentleman of Panjang-jiwa doctor Agraja, monsignor the bishop of the Shiwaite clergy / doctor Shiwanatha Master Tanutama. At the descending of the order the Illustrious Great King instructed /

[Plate 2, verso] the in the kabuyutan (12) of Lokeshwara, up to the dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy / domains of the clergy of all kinds, parhyangans (13) . . . etcetera, . . . to have / the honoured holy Royal charter bearing the sign Kertanagara made, to be kept in the lap by the dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy / domains of the clergy of all kinds, in order to render firm the Illustrious Great King's protection of the independence of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds. The motive: monsignor / the bishop Master Tanutama, followed by the dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of "all kinds / in the land of Janggala and Pangjalu, were used as intermediary / ...

[Plate 3, recto] each, byet hajyan (14), goings far and near, paying padadar (15) , pamedihan (16) , pagagarem (17) / to the jurus (18) , buyuts (19), kabayans (20), giving patumbak tamwi (?), panghulu banu (21) , not to speak of / pamuja (22) every year, padacangan (?). That now caused anxiety with them that they might be overcome gently / by the lands of the Royal servants, injured unperceived by them(selves). Therefore held a conference / angindid bherta (23) an those who belonged to the land of Janggala and Pangjalu, entering into the Presence of the honoured Ramapati and the Right Honourable the vizir, through the intermediary / of monsignor the bishop Master Tanutama. The honoured Ramapati now "having the interests of all domains of the clergy at heart", did not care to omit / the minding of the protection of the domains of the clergy of all kinds, the less so as there was a grant granted by the Lord Jaya the Illustrious Wisnuwardhana /

[Plate 3, verso] in favour of the domains of the clergy of all kinds: that they should be separated from the lands of the Royal servants, [granted] of old in the time of the honoured Master Patipati, the domains' administrator. / Therefore easily now was the certainty thereof shown by the honoured Master Tanutama / to the honoured Ramapati. So the honoured Ramapati, followed by the Right Honourable the vizir in accordance with the honoured Master Tanutama / entered into the Presence of the Illustrious Great King [on the dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds] in order to [beg him to] confirm again the separation / by the Lord Jaya the Illustrious Wisnuwardhana of the dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds from the lands of the Royal servants, with the intention / of the independence of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds, in order to render the more firm the Illustrious Great King's sitting on the jewel lion's throne, / being considered as the one sunshade of all Java-land, as the exalted deity among all the honoured Prabhus of the land of /

[Plate 4, recto] Janggala and Pangjalu. Such was the sense of the reverential address of the honoured Ramapati. It was followed by the reverential address of the Right Honourable the vizir / communicated [and recommended] by the honoured Master Tanutama: the Illustrious Great King, being a Prabhu of divine family, a Dharma-incarnation / descended [on earth], is placed as Lord Paramount Cause to wipe out the impurities of the world, to bring to life again / the domains of the clergy of all kinds, to cause the world's welfare to return. To show clear evidence that the honoured Prabhu's way of life is "to be observant of a behaviour that is accommodated to faithful people etcetera", / moreover influenced by the reverential address of the equally eloquent gentlemen, the picked ones for offering advice on what is to be avoided and what is good counsel, / these were the reasons that the Illustrious Great King soon acquiesced in the reverential proposal of the honoured Ramapati, followed / by the Right Honourable the vizir in accordance with the honoured Master Tanutama, that those dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy /

[Plate 4, verso] domains of the clergy of all kinds should be separated from the lands of the Royal servants, that they should cease to follow the lands of the Royal servants as to heavy and light matters, byet hajyan (28) / great and small, goings far and near, turun-turun (29) sagem sarakut (30) from the lands of the / Royal servants, that they should cease to pay padadar (31) , pamedihan (32) , pagagarem (33) to the jurus (34) , buyuts (35) , kabayans (36) , / that they should cease to give papindah panti (37), patikel anggas (38), panghulu banu (39) to the lands of their [respective] Royal servants, each to whom it / concerns. As to the case that there is buying of [irrigation] water by the lands of those Royal servants that form their support, they shall join in the buying in accordance with / the irrigated rice-fields they have. The kalagyans (42) there [in the country] shall be without paying panulis (44). As to what shall be continuously paid by them / to the lands of the Royal servants that is only pamuja (45), in order that there be evidence that shall continue their relation of seeking support with the lands of the Royal servants. /

[Plate 5, recto] In case there is any special wish of the honoured Prabhu's as to those dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds, be it byet hajyan (46) or lakwalakwan (47) , / requests and demands of all kinds whatsoever shall be met only by monsignor the bishop: They [the domains] shall not belong / to [the category of] the lands of the Royal servants. Then indeed there should be taken action that the honoured holy Royal Charter is worshipped by the dominions and / dependencies of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds, they shall have pagut (?), a yellow sunshade, curing [bell] music day and night. / Then those dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds shall not anghiras watek (?), angiwwa rare (51) , abanwabanwa (52) , apugat (53), awara-waranga (54) / at the time of the worship of the honoured holy Royal charter. Further are authorized those dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds: / kalangs (55), kalagyans (56), paryangans (57), and domains that are jumput (58), at the time of their worship at the honoured holy prasadas (59) the place of their respective adoration, /

[Plate 5, verso] they have the right to use jenu haling (60), to have for sumping (61) cut lotusses. Further there is a favour of the Illustrious Great King / to cause the independence of the honoured holy domains of the clergy to return, that not shall be liable [to the following charges] the dominions and dependencies of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds: / to pamedang tanghiran (?), pakudur panghurang (?), pakris (?), pasrah (63) on wearing a wali (64) tuwuh watu (65) , / hurip anak (?), kembang i pöng tutunjung (66) , tepel (67) sang ratu, tunggakning garyang (68), nawagraha (69), nagapuspa (70) . They shall have the right / to construct a storey for a couch, to have a pair of scissors [of wood or bamboo as an ornament] on top of their bale (72). They have the right to cohabit with their bondwomen, to beat their bondmen who are charged [with some mischief], / to beat them till blood flows, being overwhelmed and brushed with rasps. They shall eat all kinds of Royal meat, such as / turtle, cut ram (74), karung pulih (75) pejah aningrara (76), gelded dog. They shall plant kamala (77) climbing /

[Plate 6, recto] on their farm-houses, they shall plant kembang kuning (78) in their frontyards, they shall plant glugu (79) , they shall own inner courtyards with jangu (80) / with gading (81), those who are chiefs of houses. Thus is the sense of the favour of the Illustrious Kertanagara [granted] to the dominions and dependencies / of the domains of the clergy of all kinds, all those belonging to the lands of Janggala and Pangjalu, that may know all those people the excess of law-adherence / of the Illustrious Great King, being considered as the one sunshade over all Java-land, causing the unification of / the lands of Janggala and Pangjalu to return. Therefore is accomplished now the honoured holy Royal charter with the leaves of Kertanagara, / confirming the independence of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds. Completed, it has been inscribed on ripta (83), covered by a yellow cloth placed in the lap / of those dominions of the domains of the clergy altogether, in the presence of the common headmen the Right Honourables all. Offered reverentially /

[Plate 6, verso] those dominions of the domains of the clergy: gold, one karsapana, three shunara, to the Illustrious Great King, as their homage, being granted / a favour. As to the case there are people who would obstruct and upset the sense of the honoured holy Royal charter, whosoever, / be they people of the four castes: brahmins, kshatriyas, weshyas, shudras, or people of the four ashramas (84) : brahmacaris, / gerhasthas, wanaprasthas, bhiksukas, in the first place the honoured Prabhus and mandarins in future, and the pinghay (85) , the akurugs (86) and the anak thani (87) , / in so far as they interfere with the sense of the honoured holy Royal charter [so that] no longer is firm the protection of the independence of the honoured holy domains of the clergy of all kinds, / so far [their deeds] shall be felt by them as a burden on their karma (90), with their house and family they shall taste the fruit of their offence, their great offence, their uttermost offence, / the fruit of their performing deeds of injustice. They are watched by the Thirteen Witnesses: /

[Plate 7, recto] "Sun, Moon, Wind, Fire, Sky, Earth, Water, the Heart, Yama, Day, Night, / Twilight and Dharma know man's doings". So, as a matter of fact: / "Who destructs a Royal grant, a most stupid man is he: through high and low families altogether they shall go to hell always". "As many / existences he experiences, so many times he is born again, he shall be born in vile bodies, a base man". /"When he is a human being, he is an eunuch, a leper, a dwarf, blind, mad, brainless, a hunchback, a paralytic, / an idiot". That is what he becomes being born as a human after having plunged into Great Rorawa. / So be it! So be it! So be it! OM. Homage to Shiwa! //0//

(1) 1269 A.D.
(2) October-November
(3) a day of the three-days week
(4) a day of the five-days week
(5) Thursday
(6) the 13th week of the 30-week wuku-year
(7) entrance, ominous token
(8) astrological division
(9) Scorpion
(11) The Buffalo Feeding lusciously
(12) Elder's place
(13) holy Spirits' abodes
(14) constructions for the lord
(15) contribution for state attire
(16) contribution for state cloths
(17) salt fee
(18) lairds of manors
(19) elders of rural communities
(20) beadles
(21) retribution for irrigation water
(22) contribution for divine worship
(23) carrying presents
(28) constructions for the lord
(29) tithe
(30) one bundle: one handful ; taken
(31) contribution for state attire
(32) contribution for state cloths
(33) salt fee
(34) lairds of manors
(35) elders of rural communities
(36) beadles
(37) contribution for moving a dwelling
(38) contribution for the plaiting of dry weeds
(39) retribution for irrigation water
(42) artisans' places
(44) writing fees
(45) regular contribution for the annual religious festival
(46) constructions for the lord
(47) goings
(51) make merry with children?
(52) make jokes?
(53) punggat: munch?
(54) make fun?
(55) traders' places
(56) artisans' places
(57) holy Spirits' abodes
(58) reserved
(59) temple towers
(60) sacred unguent
(61) ornament stuck behind the ear
(63) forfeiture
(64) scarf ; with the pattern of weaving called:
(65) growth on rock
(66) lotus flower
(67) kepel? Stelechocarpus Burchol
(68) stump in gravel?
(69) abodes of the Nine Deities
(70) nagasari, Mesua ferrea
(72) pavilion
(74) wether
(75) boar?
(76) dead by desiccation?
(77) lianas
(78) Cassia surattensis
(79) paper mulberry trees, Broussonetia papyrifera
(80) sweet flag, Acorus Calamus
(81) ivory bamboo, Bambusa vulgaris
(83) palm-leaf
(84) abodes <\i>
(85) white ones, men of religion <\i>
(86) local chiefs <\i>
(87) common countrymen <\i>
(90) lot

first adaptation 19.08.2010 Benjamin Berndt and Mats Homann / Revised 17.12.2010 /
first draft, not proofread /