Materials for the Medieval History of Indonesia


[About 1350] Decree Jaya Song. A regulation of the estate Manah-i-Manuk, to find a solution to the controversial issue if the land was given to the family of Sima Tiga. according to Brandes-Krom, Oud-Javaansche Oorkonden, vol. II, 1913, p. 207; Pigeaud, 1, p. 104-107. Pigeaud, 3, p. 151-155.

[Plate 2, recto,] çeka dyah hayam wuruk, iniring denyajña paduka ri tribhuwanottungga rajadewi jaya wisnuwa / rddhani sakalarajamanggalabhawatipratima, lalitamanoharajñanapratapacobhita, sarddhanari / çwara muang paduka bhatara çri krtawarddhana, açesarajapranipatamandita, sacchaya muang ajña pa- / duka çri wijayadewi, maharajarajaçekaradhistitaninditawiryyalangkara, sakalagunapra- / walabuddhisahita, sarddhanariçwara muang paduka bhatara çri wijayarajasa, sanggramawiryyalangkrta /

[Plate 2, verso,] tinadah de rakryan mahamantri katrini rakryan mahamantri i hino, dyah içwara, rakryan mahamantri / sirikan, dyah ipo, rakryan mantri i halu dyah kañcing, umingsor i tanda rakryan ring pakirakiran ma / kabehan, sang aryya senapati pu tanu, sang aryyatmaraja pu tanding, rakryan dmung pu gasti, rakryan ka / nuruhan pu turut, rakryan rangga pu lurukan, rakryan tumenggung pu nala, sadugopika durjjanawi / nigrahatatpara, mawastha patih ri pajang, samahiring muang rake juru pangalasan pu ptul nayawi /

[Plate 3, recto,] nayadhara, makapramuka samantringgitajña prajalangkara, rakemapatih pu mada, sakalanitiwrha / spatisanggramika, pranaraksaka çri maharaja pranalamratisubaddhaken pangdiri çri maharaja / ngken içwarapratiwimba, gumawayaken hitakarmmaning yawadwipamandala, muang wiçirnnaning prangmu / ke paduka çri maharaja, dharmmadhyaksa ring kaçewan, sang aryya rajaparakrama, dang aca / ryya dharmmaraja, dharmmadhyaksa ring kasogatan, sang aryyadhiraja dang acaryya kanakamuni, /

[Plate 3, verso,] boddhaçastrawyakaranaparisamapta, tlas karuhun sang dharmmaprawakta wyawaharawicchedaka, sang pamge / ti tiruan, sang aryya wangçadhiraja, dang acaryya çiwanatha, bhairawapaksa nyayawyakaranaça / straparisamapta, samget i kandamuhi, dang acaryya marmmanatha, mapañjy angçuman, sorapaksa nyayawya / karanaçastraparisamapta, samget i manghuri, dang acaryya smaranatha, bhairawapaksa nyayawyaka / ranaçastraparisamapta, samget i jamba, dang acaryya jayasmara, sorapaksa &ccedilangkyaçastraparisama /

[Plate 4, recto,] pta, samget i pamuatan dang acaryyagreçwara bhairawapaksa nyayawyakaranaçastraparisamapta / samget i kandangan rarai, dang acaryya munindra boddhaçastraparisamapta, mangrasarasani sangka ri göngniya / dimuktinikang wyawahari kalih, kumwa pgat kawiwaksanya de sang pragwiwaka matguh ri kapaksadharmman / ri dalem nagara, marmmanikang wyawahari kalih sacchaya mampakampak humatur i tanda rakryan ring / pakirakiran makabehan mintonaken paksanya sowang-sowang kuneng sungan warawarah aki /
[Plate 4, verso,] santana, mapañji çarana, muang sarowangnya, ki karnna, mapañji manakara, ajaran reka, ki siran, ki jumput / ungsun madrwya lmah punang manah i manuk, kayoning sawah, adawung, lirih l, i berem, lirih l, i pa / jnon kiduling umah, lirih 2, pajnon kubwan, kuñci 1, pangeran, kubwan, kuñci 1, tiga thani, ka / yoning sawah wareng, lirih 1, kayon waluntas, lirih 10, tiga thani kubwan, kuñci 1, dinana / ken ing tuhatuha maring katyagan pakandangan, lirih 16, maring mandala ring kuku, lirih 2, maring jangganing pa

[Plate 5, recto,] ngle, lirih 1, kabhukti dening amadrwyaken lirih 33, pindah lirih 67, punika ta sthiti bhukti sangkeng tu / hatuha, bapa, kaki buyut, pitung, anggas, muning, krpek, tan hanang suwanda, apan anadi kabhuktyanipun, maka / wyakti kirttini tuhatuhani ungsun bale i mandala i kasdahan, sakakala 919, wayuhanengah ra / kwa aranipun, punika ta samanakala lawan sawah, apituwin tan hana sawahipun samasanak i punang si / ma tiga, liwat ing wates pakandangan, tan punika dawakta lmah i ungsun tanpatahil tan kajnengan ta /

[Plate 5, verso,] n pinakaparanati dening deça, makahetu anadi kabhuktyanipun, tan wruh ta ungsun panangkanipun a / pan anadi, mangke ta inakunipun pasandan pun samasanak i sima tiga, makadi pun apañjyanawung harsa, kuneng / sungan warawarah samasanak i sima tiga, makadi sang apanjy anawung harsa, ungsun madrwya punang lmah sawidah / pitung lirih wicarawisaya, sinandaken i pitung i ungsun ing pirak kalitngah taker, duk punang bhumi jawa tanpa ga / gaman pisis ika tang paksa kalih, pinametaken çastradrsta, deçadrsta, udaharana, guru kaka, /

[Plate 6, recto,] makatanggwan rasagama ri sang hyang kutaramanawadi, manganukara prawrttyacara sang pandita wyawaharawiccheda / ka ring puhun malama, ateher tanda rakryan motus atañataña irikang pinggi siring udasina, polihana nyaya / nyayanikang paksa kalih kunang pajar nikang pinggir siring, angrungu yan sima sasandan ndan awidhita ta sangkaning u / jar irika ta yan katmu sor i paksa samasanak i sima tiga, makadi mapañjyanawung harsa, makahetu / tan hananing pramana, yan pitung sang apanjyanawung harsa anandaken, muang asambawaning wruha, makadi /

[Plate 6, verso,]ng anadi kabhuktyanipun, matangnyan balawan paksaki santana mapañji sarana, muang sarowangnya, hetunya / n pinunga kmitana sang hyang ajña haji jaya song, mratisubaddhaken pageh i pangraksa tanda rakryan ri pa / ksa sang apañji sarana, ri wruha sang apañji sarana prayatna //0 //

[Plate 2, recto] the high-born Sir Hayam Wuruk, accompanied by the Order of Her Magnificence the Illustrious Tribhuwanottungga Rajadewi jayawisnuwardhani, / "an image of the Mistress of all Kings' fortunes", "beautiful by the glow of her knowledge of pleasing and charming manners", one half in Royalty with / the Magnificent Lord the Illustrious Kertawardhana, "having for ornament the prosternation of all Kings", in harmony with the Order of Her Magnificence / the Illustrious Wijayadewi, "having for grace blameless manfulness placed in the Royal diadem of the Great King", "joining in her mind the results of all virtues", / one half in Royalty with the Magnificent Lord the Illustrious Wijayarajasa, "graced by manfulness in the field", /

[Plate 2, verso] received by the Right Honourable the Great Mandarins Three, the Right Honourable the Great Mandarin of Hino, the high-born Sir Ishwara, the Right Honourable the Great Mandarin of / Sirikan, the high-born Sir Ipo, the Right Honourable the Great Mandarin of Halu, the high-born Sir Kancing, descending to the headmen the Right Honourable gentlemen of the Council altogether, / the honoured Honourable Senapati Sir Tanu, the honoured Honourable Atmaraja Sir Tanding the Right Honourable chamberlain Sir Gasti, the Right Honourable chancellor / Sir Turut, the Right Honourable aide-de-camp Sir Lurukan, the Right Honourable commander-in-chief Sir Nala, "the virtuous people's shepherd, absorbed in the suppression of evil-doers", / bearer of the title vizir of Pajang, side by side with His Honour the master of the guardsmen Sir Petul, "the keeper of good policy and order", /

[Plate 3, recto] having for chief "the ornament of the realm, giving orders by means of gestures to all mandarins", His Honour the grandvizir Sir Mada, "in all policies Werhaspati's rival", / protector of the life of the Illustrious Great King, as a foundation securing over and over again the Illustrious Great King's rule, every time, / like Ishwara's counterpart, causing good works to be done all around in the land of Java, and causing annihilation of / His Magnificence the Illustrious Great King's enemies; the bishop over the Shiwaite clergy, the honoured Honourable Rajaparakrama, the reverend doctor / Dharmaraja, the bishop over the Buddhist clergy, the honoured Honourable Adhiraja, the reverend doctor Kanakamuni, /

[Plate 3, verso] "in Buddhist learning and grammar consummate", finally and chiefly the honoured "proclaimers of the law and judges of law-suits", the honoured gentleman of / Tiruan, the honoured Honourable Wangshadhiraja, the reverend doctor Shiwanatha, of the Bhairawa denomination, "in logic and grammar lore / consummate", the gentleman of Kandamuhi, the reverend doctor Marmanatha, Master Angshuman, of the Sora denomination, "in logic / and grammar lore consummate", the gentleman of Manghuri, the reverend doctor Smaranatha, of the Bhairawa denomination, "in logic and grammar / lore consummate" the gentleman of Jamba, the reverend doctor Jayasmara, of the Sora denomination, "in the lore of sangkhya(1) consummate", /

[Plate 4, recto] the gentleman of Pamuatan, the reverend doctor Agreshwara, of the Bhairawa denomination, "in logic and grammar lore consummate", / the gentleman of Kandangan-junior, the reverend doctor Munindra, "in Buddhist learning consummate". Feeling that it would be part of a magnitude / of great happiness for those two litigants, in case that the decision in their contentions would be made by the honoured principal judges, firm in the observation of justice, / in the Interior in Town, therefore those two litigants were in harmony humbly begging the headmen the Right Honourable gentlemen / of the Council altogether [to be allowed] to show their cases each separately. As to the statement of /

[Plate 4, verso] the goodman Santana, Master Sharana and his fellows, goodman Karna, Master Manakara Ajaran Reka, goodman Siran, goodman Jumput: / "I am the owner of land: the estate Manah-i-Manuk. The measured area of the terraced rice-fields is: in Dawung: 1 lirih(2), in Berem: 1 lirih, in Pajenon, / South of the farm-house: 2 lirihs, in Pajenon: a plantation of 1 kunci, in Pangeran: a plantation of 1 kunci, in Tiga Tani, / the measured area of the terraced rice-fields in Wareng is 1 lirih, the measured area in Waluntas is 10 lirih, in Tiga Tani a plantation of 1 kunci. Given away / by my ancestors to the hermitage of Pakandangan: 16 lirihs, to the sacred-circle community of Kukub: 2 lirihs, to the rural doctor of Pangle: /

[Plate 5, recto] 1 lirih. There has been given evidence by people who acknowledge me as the owner of 33 lirihs, total 67 lirihs. That is certain evidence. It dates from my ancestors: / my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-great-great-grandfather. There is no firm bond, for it has been enjoyed from time immemorial. / It has for clear evidence the foundation of an ancestor of mine in the sacred-circle community of Kasedahan, dated "909 Shaka, Wayuh Anengah was his name, / according to tradition. That was at the same time as the terraced rice-fields. Moreover there are no terraced rice-fields of the Family of that / Sima Tiga estate this side of the boundary of Pakandangan. That is only my land. It is not liable to the tahil due, /

[Plate 5, verso] it has not been witnessed, it is not considered as allied by friendship with any rural community. That is because it has been enjoyed from time immemorial. I myself do not know its origin, / for it dates from time immemorial. And now it is claimed as property given as security by the Family of Sima Tiga, in the first place the honoured Master Anawung Harsa!" / As to the statement of the Family of Sima Tiga, in the first place the honoured Master Anawung Harsa:" I am the owner of that land, / sixty-seven lirihs, the object of the lawsuit. It is property given as security by my great-great-grandfather for one and a half measure of silver, at the time that this land of Java / did not possess the means of the pisis(3)", These were the two cases. Referring to them were sought the opinion of the lawbooks, the opinion of the country, analogues, masters of yore, /

[Plate 6, recto] reliant on the essential learning found in the honoured holy Kutara, Manawa etc. lawbooks, imitating the character and the customs of the honoured scholars, judges of lawsuits, / in the olden time, then the headmen the Right Honourable gentlemen sent messengers to make inquiries in the neighbourhood there, impartially, in order to get informations on the right or wrong / of the two parties, As to what the neighbours said, having heard that the land was alleged to be an estate [under a Royal Charter] that had been given as security, that was only that it was unknown to them. / On the ground of that utterance the finding was at that time that the case of the Family of Sima Tiga, in the first place Master Anawung Harsa, was lost / because of the absence of any evidence that the great-great-grandfather of the honoured Master Anawung Harsa had given his property as security, and the impossibility to have knowledge about that fact /

[Plate 6, verso] in the first place because the land had been enjoyed from time immemorial. On that ground the case of goodman Santana Master Sarana and his fellows has been found strong. For that reason / they shall be allowed to have in their keeping the honoured holy Lord's Order Jaya Song(4), which secures over and over again the firmness of the protection of the headmen the Right Honourable gentlemen / granted to the case of the honoured Master Sarana. That it may be taken care of by the honoured Master Sarana, considerately.

(1) numbers
(2) track
(3) Chinese copper cash currency
(4) Victory and Protection

first adaptation 19.08.2010 Benjamin Berndt and Mats Homann / Revised 11.09.2010. /
first draft, not proofread /