TS1188.03.04 - 4 March, [1188-1191], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III [as Urban III in TS1186.08.21]. Si discrimina dilecti filii. (Lyon, Arch. dép. Rhône, Ordre de Malte H 23 no. 7, partly illegible / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 216, p. 391-92 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 1040)

TS1188.03.21 - 21 March, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III to king [Alfons II] of Aragón: admonishes him to restitute the properties which the Templars had been granted by the king and his father [count Raymund Berengar I of Barcelona] but which had been taken away from them and partly given to others. Shall force certain culprits, especially P[ere] de Puigvert, to return the castles which they took by force. Quanto dilecti filii fratres militie. (Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragón, Gran Priorato de Cataluña de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusaleń, Pergaminos, Armario 9 [Bulas], no. 152 / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 200, p. 382 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 136)

TS1188.03.18 - 18 March, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III [as Lucius III in TS1182.06.27]. Audivimus et audientes mirati sumus. (Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragón, Gran Priorato de Cataluña de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusaleń, Pergaminos, Armario 9 [Bulas], no. 153 / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 201, pp. 391-92 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 145)

TS1188.03.22 - 22 March, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III confirms for master and brethren of the Templars - according to their petition - the agreement reached between the Order and the late bishop W[illiam] of Lleida [Lérida]; this was negotiated by the former bishops W[illiam] of Barcelona and Peter of Zaragoza, in presence of the apostolic legate cardinal deacon Iacinthus of St. Maria in Cosmedin, and concerned tenth, primitia and funeral fees. Ea que a fratribus nostris. (Madrid, Arch. hist nac., Sección Ordines militares, Arch. de San Juan, Castellania de Amposta, legajos 18-23, original / ibid., legajo 24, copy 13th c. / Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragón, Gran Priorato de Cataluña de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusaleń, Secc..2, Llibres y Llegalls, Armari 11, no. 25, fol. 30v, no. 31 [Proces entre los Templarios y lo Bisbe de Lleyda 1245], copy 13th c. / Kehr, Papsturkunden Spanien, 2, no. 174, pp. 521-22 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 154)

TS1188.03.22.a - 22 March, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III [as Urban III in TS1186.05.25]. - Inc. Quanto maiora dilecti filii nostri. (Lyon, Arch. dép. Rhône, Ordre de Malte H 23 Nr. 6 / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 202, p. 383 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 155)

TS1188.03.24 - 22 March, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III [as Lucius III in TS1184.10.20]. - Inc. Non absque dolore cordis et. (NLM, Arch. 1128, fol 126, copy in register, 15th c., Bullarium rubeum / Poitiers, Arch. dép. Vienne, Fonds de Malte 3H1/2 fol. 19r, Nr. 529, calendar in Sensiment de privileges / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 203, p. 383 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 161)

TS1188.05.05 - 5 May, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III confirms for master and brethren of the Templars at Paris (magistro domus militie Templi que Parisius sita est et fratribus eius) according to their petition as Lucius [III] the donation of the manor at Chalou by King Phil[ippe] of France and his mother [Adela]. - Inc. Iustis petentium desideriis dignum est. (Paris, Arch. nat., S 5132 no. 3, original / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 204, p. 384 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 238)

TS1188.05.09 - 9 May, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III confirms for master and brethren of the Templars (maitre et freres de la maison de la chevalerie du Temple) as Hadrian [IV] and Lucius [III] the annates of the prebends in the clerical foundations of St-Quentin, Roye and Péronne. (Paris, Arch. nat., S 5649 fol. 462r, 18th c. [French calendar of the original, inventary of the Hospitaller preceptory of St-Jean-en-l'Ielez-Corbeil] / ibid., S 5750, fol. 281v / ibid., S 5751 fol. 573r and 574r / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 97, pp. 301-02 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 240)

TS1188.05.23 - 25 May, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III [as Lucius III in TS1184.10.20]. - Inc. Non absque dolore cordis et. (Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragón, Gran Priorato de Cataluña de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusaleń, Pergaminos, Armario 9 (Bulas), no. 147 / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 207, p. 386 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 276)

TS1188.07.20 - 20 July, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III grants the brethren of the Templars the right to bury the members of the order with the usual rituals when their burial has been denied because of a general interdict, under the condition that the brethen are not excommunicated or under interdict. - Inc. Cum nemo testante domino maiorem. - As calendar: quod fratres templi possint suos fratres sepelire cum solitis exequiis mortuorum, nisi fuerint nominatim excommunicati. (London, Brit. Libr., Add. Ms. 49613 A, fol. 53r no. 238, copy 13th c. [Templar Cartulary] / Cologne, Hist. Arch. des Erzbistums Köln, Sig. 3, p. 97 [Templer-Kopiar, olim Königswinter, Pfarrarch. St. Remigius] / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 208, p. 386 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 410 // calendar: NLM, 1127 [olim 1119], 6r, calendar, Bullaria pontificia [B. sextum] / Catalogue of the Records, VII, 49 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, no. 31, p. 44)

TS1188.07.26 - 26 July, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III confirms brother Matthew and the other brethren of the Crociferi (fratri Matheo crucifero et aliis fratribus ordinis Cruciatorum) according to their petition the church Sv. Kriza (Holy Cross) near Zadar / Zara with its pertinances as well as the judgement which archdeacon I. and archpresbiter A. of Zadar / Zara, plebanus Peter of Sv. Štef (St. Stephen) and subdeacon Matthew from the church Sv. Stošija (St. Anastasia) have found in the conflict between them and the Templars concerning this church. Inc. Controversiis iudicio vel concordia terminatis. (Treviso, Bibl. com. Cod 474, fol. 595r (Storia dei Crociferi), copy 17th c. / Kehr, Papsturkunden Venetien, no. 36, p. 245 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 414)

TS1188.09.20 - [ca. 20 September, 1188], [Tyre]. - [Margrave] Konrad [of Montferrat] of Tyrus (Sur) to Emperor Frederick I: asks for his quick arrival in the Holy Land. Complains about the former king of Jerusalem, Guido [of Lusignan], who had been captured by Saladin but freed after surrendering some castles, and also about the Templar Philip of Flanders who have taken money which King [Henry II] of England had sent for the defence of the Holy Land. (Chronica regia Coloniensis, ed. G. Waitz [MGH Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum], for 1189 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 2, 4, no. 3193)

TS1188.10.29 - 29 October, [1188], --. - Pope Clement III to archbishop [Guy] of Aix: orders to ensure, if necessary by force, that the Hospitallers and the Templars respect the rights of the canons of Marseille, that their parishoners do not hear masses at Hospitaller and Templar churches, that they do not receive unction during sickness from the orders, and that they pay the canonical portion from burials to the parishes. (Deperditum, mentioned in the charter of Clement III from the same day / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 465)

TS1188.10.29.a - 29 October, [1188], --. - Pope Clement III to Hospitallers and Templars: the canons of Marseille have complained, that their parishoners hear masses at Hospitaller and Templar churches, receive unction during sickness from the orders, and that the orders do not pay the canonical portion from burials to the parishes. Orders to stop this practice, otherwise this will be enforced by the archbishop of Aix. Inc. Licet vos in vestris iusticiis. (Aix, Musée Arbaud, 1998 B 2 [Documents manuscrits. Marseille N D de la Major chapitre] / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 466)

TS1188.12.12 - 12 December, [1188], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III [as Lucius III in TS1181.09.29]. - Inc. Milites Templi Hierosolimitani novi sub. (Budapest, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár [University Library], Historia ecclesiastica, Ab 71 p. 60 (Tomus 1 seu Liber bullarum), copy 18th c. / Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Nouv. acquis. lat. 1 fol. 399r, calendar, 20th c. [Collection d'Albon, vol. 1] / Fejér, Codex diplomaticus Hungariae 2, pp. 241-42 [for 1187] / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 507)

TS1188.12.12.a - 12 December, 1188, Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III to the prelates of all churches: urges them to preach the proposed indulgences to the people so that the monies are converted to the use of the Templars. Militia Templi. (Regesta Pontificum, I, no. 10122, pp. 875-76)

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