TS1249.04.07 - 7 April, 1249, Lyons. - Pope Innocent IV to Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights in Tuscany, the march of Ancona, the duchy of Spoleto, the Patrimonium Petri, Campania, Maritima, Romania, and the kingdom of Sicily: should support liberally by their goods the papal legate Peter Cardinal deacon of St. George ad velum aureum, quod videantur tanquam devoti zelati bonorum ecclesiae ac profectum. (Regesta Pontificum, II,2, 13289, p. 1116)

*TS1249.07.25 - 25 July, 1249, Lyons. - Pope Innocent IV to Master and Brethren of the Templars in Germany and Poland: confirms their liberties, immunities, and exemptions from secular obligations which had been granted to them by the Roman pontiffs, kings etc. (Regesta Pontificum, II,2, 13755, p. 1139)

*TS1249.07.29 - 29 July, 1249, Lyon. - Pope Innocent IV. confirms the donation of the possessions in the diocese of Lebus by Duke Henry I of Silesia and Poland to the Templars.

*TS1249.08.11 - 11 August, 1249, Lyon. - Pope Innocent IV to Master and Brethren of the Templars in Germany and Sclavia: confirms the tenths, villages, lakes, and other goods which they had received in the diocese of Cammin as perpetual alms. Regesta Pontificum, II,2, 13763, p. 1140)

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