TS1191.00.00 - 1191, --. - Philippe II King of France frees the Templars for all times from the customary payments for lettres de chancellerie. (NLM, olim no. 311, Ms. 17th c. / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, p. 24)

TS1191.00.00.a - [1191-September 1194], --. - Pope Celestine III to bishop Hugo of Rodez: mandates to investigate and settle the conflict between the Templars and the Cistercians at Bonnecombe. (Deperditum, mentioned by the bishop in September 1194, cf. Dufour, Évèques, p. 89 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 1200)

TS1191.01.27 - 27 January or 8 February, [1191], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Clement III to all archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, and all other ecclesiastical prelates: informs them that the Templars are heavily under pressure by the enemies of Christ and orders to act with ecclesiastical censures against those who still demand the tenth from them for lands in domain against the Order's papal privileges, without the possibility to appeal. The censures shall remain in force until satisfaction is done. - Inc. Si sollicite perscrutemini et attenta. (London, British Library, Add. Ms. 49613 A fol. 53, no. 239 [Templar Cartulary], copy 13th c. / Cologne, Historisches Archiv des Erzbistums Köln, Sig. 3 p. 97 [Templer-Kopiar], copy 13th c. / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 224, pp. 400-01 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 1029)

*TS1191.04.16 - 16 April, 1191, Lateran. - Pope Clement III to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, princes and other Christian believers: confirms the treuga Dei concluded by the archbishops of Narbonne and Arles and other members of the Southern French nobility. As agreed, the Templars should control the peace and receive the dues and penances. The bishops are admonished to support the Order according to their possibilities. (NLM, Arch. 10, 14 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, no. 32, pp. 26-27, 44-45)

TS1191.04.25 - 25 April, [1191], Rome, Lateran. - Pope Celestine III to bishop [Raymond] of Antibes: the provost and the canons at the cathedrale of Aix-en-Provence have complained that the Templars would have erected a church in the parish of the chapter, were receiving oblations and were trying to establish a cemetary. Orders to force the Templars to pull down the church, without the right to appeal, or to defend themselves in front of the bishop. - Inc. Dilecti filii nostri prepositus et. (Aix-en-Provence, Bibl. com., Ms. 1042, fol. 3r / Wiederhold, Papsturkunden Frankreich, 4, p. 162 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 13)

TS1191.06.15 - 15 June, [1191], Rome, St. Peter. - Pope Celestine III to the archbishops, bishops, abbots and other ecclesiastical prelates: orders to ensure that nothing of the donations to the Templars is kept or withheld, and that alienated property is immediately restored, without the right to appeal; forbids to prevent that their parishoners who want to enter the Order are denied the right of burial in the Order's churches, or to hinder those who have chosen burial at the Templars, except in cases when they are excommunicated; forbids to punish the Templar's subjects by retributions in money, they should get adequately punished by their souls. - Inc. Cum dilecti filii nostri fratres. (Paris, Arch. nat. L 235 no. 4 / Loisne, Bulles pour l'Ordre du Temple, no. 5, p. 176 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 100)

TS1191.06.21 - 21 June, [1191], Rome, St. Peter. - Pope Celestine III [as Clement III in TS1188.07.26. Inc. Controversiis iudicio vel concordia terminatis. (San Severino Marche, Arch. cap., capsa 35 / Kehr, Papsturkunden Romagna, no. 16, p. 40 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 106)

TS1191.07.25 - [before 26 July, 1191], --. - Pope Celestine III to Templars [in Arbois] and Hospitallers: they have accepted people for burial who have been excommunicated for their violent actions against abbot and convent at Rosières, diocese of Besançon. (Deperditum, mentioned in the charter of Celestine III dated 26 July 1191. / Gallia pontificia, I, p. 336 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 132)

TS1191.07.26 - 26 July, 1191, Rome, St. Peter. - Pope Celestine III to the bishop [Robert] of Chalon-sur-Saône and abbot Peter of St-Bénigne in Dijon: complaint of the abbot and convent at Rosières against the Aimo of Vaudray who is said to have put fire to a grangia of the monastery and done damage to the mint of Besançon; his sons are accused to have attacked and imprisoned the abbot. The pope orders measures against them [...]; he has already written to the Templars [in Arbois] and the Hospitallers, because they have accepted people for burial who have been excommunicated for these violent actions. Inc. Gravem dilectorum filiorum nostrorum abbatis. (Montmorot, Arch. dép. Jura 1 F 78 [Pancarte du litige avec Aymon de Vaudrey], copy 13th c. / Gallia pontificia, I, no. 10, p. 313-14 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 134)

TS1191.08.10 - 10 August, [1191], Rome, St. Peter. - Pope Celestine III to all archbishops, bishops, and all other ecclesiastical prelates: informs them that he has granted the Templars the right to bury those who have chosen burial with the order if they are not excommunicated or personally under interdict, follwing the example of Alexander [III], Lucius [III], Urban [III] and Clement [III]. Orders not to deny strangers and especially the brethren of the order from burial at the Templars' houses and forbids to take the fourth part of their heritage from those who are not their parishoners. Should not molest the Templars against their privileges. (olim Napoli, Arch. di Stato, Perg. di curia eccl. vol. 33, burnt in 1943 / Kehr, Papsturkunden Salerno, p. 210 / Pflugk-Harttung, Acta, 2, no. 452, p. 397 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 146)

TS1191.08.27 - 27 August, [1191], --. - Pope Celestine III confirms the Templars according to their petition their possession of the church of San Juan in Monzón (ecclesiam sancti Iohannis de Munssone). Iustis petentium desideriis dignum est. (Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragón, Gran Priorato de Cataluña de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusaleń, Secció 1, Pergaminos, Armari 23, Comuns 1, no. 87, copy 13th c. / ibid., Sección 2, Llibres y Llegals, Armari 11, no. 25, fol. 24r, no. 21, copy 13th c. / Madrid, Arch. hist nac., Códices y Cartularios 597 B, p. 135, copy 13th c. [Cartulario de las encomiendas de la Orden del Temple] / Kehr, Papsturkunden Spanien, 2, no. 185, p. 534 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 152)

TS1191.09.01 - 1 September, [1191], Rome, St. Peter. - Pope Celestine III [as Urban III in TS1186.05.25] - Inc. Quanto maiora dilecti filii nostri. (NLM Arch. 15, 5, copy 14th c. / Kehr, Papsturkunden Malta, no. 52, p. 409 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 163)

TS1191.09.04 - 4 September, [1191], Rome, St. Peter. - Pope Celestine III to King [Alfonso II] of Aragón: he has asked for permit to mutate the money of Aragón; this is granted under the condition that it remains unchanged in the future, that it does not deteriorate, and that the Templars receive the tenth of all gains. - Inc. Cum utilitas publica compendiosa pietate. (Madrid, Arch. hist nac., Códices y Cartularios 597 B, p. 135, copy 13th c. [Cartulario de las encomiendas de la Orden del Temple] / Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragón, Sección cancellaria real, Registro 309, fol. 12r, no. 37 [Liber privilegiorum Templariorum] / Kehr, Papsturkunden Spanien, 1, no. 238, p. 539 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 5, no. 164)

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