TS1185.00.00 - [1185-1186], Verona. - Pope Urban III mandates bishops [Rainald] of Noyons and Theobald of Amiens to investigate and settle the conflict between the Templars of Sommereux and the priest of Cempuis (inter fratres Templi et presbiterum de Centpuiz) concerning the tenths at Suzoy (super decima de Suessois). (Deperditum, mentioned in decision of the delegated judges in 1186 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 423 / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 93, pp. 297-98)

TS1185.00.00.a - [1185-15 July, 1186], Verona. - Pope Urban III mandates bishop Renaud de Mâcon to investigate and settle the conflict between the brethren [of the Templars] of La Musse (at St-Sébastien-de-Morsent) and the knight Humbert de Genos (inter fratres de Mucia et Umbertum de Genos ) concerning a mill in Pont-de-Veyle as well as other lands, woods, and meadows. (Deperditum, mentioned in the undated decision of the delegated judge / Martin, Conciles Lyon, no. 668, p. 177 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 221)

TS1185.00.00.b - [1185-1187], --. - Pope Urban III writes to the Templars in Aix-en-Provence (frères de la milicie du Temple demeurant à Aix ). (Deperditum, mentioned without further information in Durbec, Templiers en Provence, p. 35 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 1071)

TS1185.00.00.c - [1185-1187], --. - Pope Urban III mandates Jo[hannes] the vicedominus of Brescia [and papal subdeacon] and Master Jo[hannes] of Bergamo to investigate and settle the dispute between the church of Coimbra and the Templars (inter Colimbriensem ecclesiam et Templarios) concerning the churches of Pombal, Redinha, and Ega. Orders to demand an oath of security from the Templars before that they will accept the judgement. If one party appeals against the decision, the proofs should be sent to the Apostolic See with their seals and a date for the acceptance of the final judgement should be fixed. (Deperditum, mentioned in the mandates of Innocent III dated 21 May, 1198, and 14 October, 1199, cf. Register Innocenz' III, 1, no. 221, pp. 314-16, and ibid., 2, no. 187, pp. 355-59 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 1174)

TS1185.00.00.d - [1185-1187], --. - Pope Urban III forbids that barons and other noblemen demand money to finance their military conflicts from the subjects of the Templars (ab hominibus Templariorum). (NLM, Arch. 1127 [olim 1119], fol. 11r, calendar in register, Bullarium sextum, 16th c. / Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Nouv. acquis. lat. 1 fol. 362r, calendar, 20th c. [Collection d'Albon, vol. 1] / Kehr, Papsturkunden Malta, no. 49, pp. 407-08 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 1250)

TS1185.00.00.e - [1185-1187], --. - Pope Urban III to archbishops, bishops and abbots: orders to ensure that their curators do not keep anything from the donations of the believers to the Templars (a la milicia del Temple) to use it for their own purposes. (Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragón, Gran Priorato de Cataluña de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusaleń, vol. 1113 [Speculo], fol. 345r-v [calendar with reference to a lost original with the sign. 212], 19th c. / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 182, pp. 369-70 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 1251)

TS1185.00.00.f - [1185-1187], --. - Pope Urban III confirms for master [Gerardus] and the brethren [of the Templars] (magistro et fratribus) according to their wishes the possession of the churches which have been or will be conferred to them by the bishops. (Deperditum, mentioned in the charter of Innocent III dated 11 March, 1200, from London, Brit. Libr., Add. Ms. 49613 A, fol. 42r / cf. Cheney, Cheney, Letters Innocent III, no. 200, p. 212 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 1252)

TS1185.00.00.g - [1185-1187], --. - Pope Urban III confirms for master and brethren of the Templars (maitre et freres de la maison de la chevalerie du Temple) the annates of the prebends of the collegiate foundations at St-Quentin, Roye and Péronne. (Deperditum, mentioned in the confirmaton of Clement III dated 9 May, 1200 / cf. Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 97, pp. 360-70 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 1253)

TS1185.04.16 - 16 April, [1185], Verona. - Pope Lucius III [as in TS1184.10.20 ]. Non absque dolore cordis et. (NLM Arch. 1128, fol. 126v, copy 15th c., extract Bullarium rubeum / Poitiers, Arch. dép. Vienne, Fonds de Malte 3H1/2 fol. 16v no. 496 and fol. 31 no. 647 [calendar, Sensiment des privileges] / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 2, no. 1586 / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 177, p. 365)

*TS1185.04.26 - 26 April, 1185, Verona. - Lucius III to the archbishops, bishops, and other church officials: admonishes them to use ban and interdict against those who cause damages to the Templars, their goods or subjects. (NLM, Arch. 1128 [olim 1121], copy in register, Bullarium rubeum, 125v / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, no. 28, p. 42)

TS1185.12.23 - 23 December, [1185], Verona. - Pope Urban III to the archbishops and bishops: the Templars (fratrum milicie Templi) have complained that their subjects are forced to participate in military campaigns and to carry arms, against old customs, and thus suffer heavy adversities. Orders to stop this completely in the future. Ex parte dilectorum filiorum nostrorum. (London, British Library, Add. 49613 A fol. 52r, no. 234, copy 13th. c. [Templar Cartulary] / Cologne, Historisches Archiv des Erzbistums Köln, Sig. 3, p. 93 [Templer-Kopiar] / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 3, no. 392 / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 178, pp. 365-66)

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