*TS1145.07.16 - 16 July 1145/1146, Viterbo. - Pope Eugenius III to the archbishops, bishops, and other church officials: recommends the Templars which shall be helped by collections, their donators shall be relieved from the seventh part of their yearly penance, and the Templars shall be allowed services also in areas under interdict. - Milites templi domini Jerosolimitani novi sub tempore gratie Machabaei. (NLM, Arch. 8, 1 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, no. 1, pp. 26, 37)

TS1145.10.00 - October 1145, Bergamo. - Charter concerning the last will of Giselberto, son of Giselberto di Attone who will become serviens of the Templars: donates his possessions to the hospital of Astino of S. Alexander.

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