TS1294.02.00 - February, 1294, Paris. - Philippe IV 'le Bel', King of France, confirms a privilege of Louis VII (1137-1180) according which the Templars are free from customs for all goods imported or exported for their own use. (NLM, olim no. 311, Ms. 17th c., olim bag 2 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, p. 23)

TS1294.02.00.a - February, 1294, Paris. - Philippe IV 'le Bel', King of France, confirms all properties that the Templars have acquired in the baillages of Senlis and Sens as well as in the prévoté around Paris. (NLM, olim no. 311, Ms. 17th c., olim bag 7 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, p. 24)

*TS1294.12.10 - 10 December, 1294, s.l. - Certificate of debt of Count Guido of Flanders for frater John de Turno, treasurer of the house of the Temple in Paris.

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