*TS1289.00.00 - 1289, s.l. - King Jaime II of Sicily to Templar-Master Guillaume de Beaujeu: captivity, suffering, and liberation of the Templar Hugo de Ampurias; bad state of the Holy Land; his wish to be reconciled with the Pope (Nicholas IV).

TS1289.00.00.a - [1289], s.l. - [...] fr. Gerlach von Hamerstein acts as Master of the Templar house at Hönningen. (Mittelrheinische Regesten, 4, No. 1715 / Ledebur, Archiv, 2,321, and 16,198 Fn. 37)

TS1289.01.13 - 13 January, 1289, Rome, S. Maria Maiora. - Pope Nicholas IV to preceptors and brethren of the Templars in Germany and Sclavia: confirms the donation of Zielenzig and Langenfeld and other villages, lands and possessions to them by Otto Longus, margrave of Brandenburg. Inc. Cum a nobis. (Regesta Pontificum, II,2, 22855, p. 1845 / Riedel, Codex diplomaticus Brandenburg. I, XIX, 126, Nr. 5)

*TS1289.03.24 - 24 March, 1289, apud Ensonum. - Geoffroy Foucher visitator in France and England empowers Elie Amanieu Templar preceptor of Bordeaux and all Templar houses in Gascogne to act in his name and in that of his fellow brethren in each kind of litigation or mediation.

*TS1289.08.14 - 14 August, 1289, Moliez. - Elie Amanieu Templar preceptor of Bordeaux and all Templar houses in Gascogne - empowered by visitor for France and England, Geoffroy Faucher - decides on some properties of the commandery of Moliez.

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