*TS1259.02.01 - 1 February, 1259, Anagni. - Alexander IV to the Templars: declares that the brevia granted to many prelates which allow them to distribute the costs for papal legates to other ecclesiastical institutions do not apply for the houses of the Templars. (NLM, Arch. 1128 [olim 1121], copy in register, Bullarium rubeum, fol. 167r / Catalogue of the Records, VII, 114 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, no. 302, pp. 67-68)

*TS1259.10.00 - October, 1259, s.l. - Thomas Bérard Master of the Order of St Mary of the Temple to the preceptor of the Templars in Italy Pietro Fernandi: orders to cede to the Dominicans at Messina the Order's property in the area named Perreria which has been sold to them following the request by the pope and by Tommaso bishop of Bethlehem.

TS1259.10.29 - 29 October, 1259, Viterbo. - Pope Alexander IV to Pietro Fernandi master of the Templars in Italy: confirms the exchange of San Felice in monte Cirego belonging to the Templars with the assent of the convent of St. Mary on the Aventin in Rome for the manor (casale) Pilocta [Cicchignola] which Pietro had arranged by order of grand master Thomas Berard 3 May, 1259. (Regesta Pontificum, II,2, 17692, p. 1440 / Gregorovius, Geschichte der Stadt Rom. V, p. 572 note 1)

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