TS1228.01.28 - 28 January, 1228, Lateran. - Pope Gregory IX forbids to take the tenth from the lands cultivated or newly cleared by the Templars. (NLM, Arch. 1128 [olim 1121], copy in register, Bullarium rubeum, 114r / Catalogue of the Records, VII, 92 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, no. 183, p. 53)

TS1228.03.02 - 2 March, 1228, Lateran. - Pope Gregory IX mandates ne aliqui recedant ante terminum, qui per juramentum dominorum fratrum Templi fideliter deservire promiserunt. (NLM, Arch. 1127 [olim 1119], calendar, register, Bullaria pontificia [B. sextum], 8r / Catalogue of the Records, VII, 52 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, no. 184, p. 53)

TS1228.06.29 - 29 June, 1228, Perugia. - Pope Gregory IX Ea que pro defensione nominis Christiani etc. (NLM, Arch. 1128 [olim 1121], copy in register, Bullarium rubeum, 176r / Catalogue of the Records, VII, 119 / Prutz, Malteser Urkunden, no. 185, p. 53)

TS1228.07.14 - 14 July 1228, s.l. - In vigilia divisionis Apostolorum 1228, the precentor C[uno] requests in the name of the cathedral chapter [at Trier] that the official T[imar] starts with the hearing of the witnesses in the quarrel between the cathedral chapter and the Templar brother P. as representative of the Templar house in Trier concerning the meadow at Wawere. After the Templar brother had consented to a postponement of two weeks, the official fixed the dates for the hearings and further negotiations. Witnesses: the dean, six canons, and for priests. Original. (StA Koblenz / Mittelrheinische Regesten, 2, No. 1868 / edited Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch, 3, 267)

TS1228.08.23 - 23 August 1228, s.l. - Th[imar] scholasticus of the cathedral chapter [at Trier] and official of the archbishop decides the quarrel between the cathedral chapter and the Templar house in Trier concerning the meadow at Wavere in favour of the chapter. When the hearing of the witnesses had rendered no results, the parties had empowered the official to decide the case in the presence of the Templar Master of Lorraine. 1228 10 kal. Septembris. Original. (StA Koblenz / Mittelrheinische Regesten, 2, No. 1874 / edited Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch, 3, 278)

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