TS1221.03.15 - 15 March, 1221, Rome, Lateran. - Pope Honorius III to the provost of S. Geneviève, Geoffrey archdeacon and Giraud canon at Paris: at the request of the Templars, he asks them to influence Blanche Countess of Champagne to reach the submission of G., her provost at Chaumont, who has been excommunicated at the request of the Templars. (Regesta Pontificum, II, 6592, p. 574)

TS1221.09.00 - September, 1221, Damiette. - Petrus de Monte Acuto, master of the Templars, to the preceptor of the Templars in England, A. Martel: reports about the advance of the Christian army into Egypt, especially following the advice of the Duke of Bavaria, the Emperor's lieutenant (patefacit se ad hoc venisse, ut expugnaret inimicos fidei christiane). But finally they had to conclude a contract with the sultan to surrender the town, driven by lack of everything necessary, even though the bishop of Acre [Jacques de Vitry], the chancellor [Walther de Palear] and Count Henry of Malta still wanted to defend the town when he arrived to execute the treaty. (Roger von Wendover, ed. Coxe, 4, 79 / Matth. Paris, Chronica majora ed. Luard 3, 68 / Regesta Imperii, V, 2, 4, no. 10884)

*TS1221.11.00 - November, 1221, s.l. - The widow of Peter of Monzón grants a vineyard to the Templars in order to endow a lamp and a chantry.

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