12 March, 1441
Pope Eugenius IV urges the European princes to support the Hospitallers of St John on Rhodes who are attacked by the Mamluks, especially to send troops.

13 March, 1441
Pope Eugenius IV urges the European princes to support the Hospitallers of St John on Rhodes who are under attack by the Mamluks.

28 March, 1441
Pope Eugenius IV asks the European princes to support the Hospitallers of St John on Rhodes and to protect their European houses and properties.

07 July, 1441
Pope Eugenius IV informs the treasurer of the Hospitallers Roger Client that he has heard about the problems of brethren gathering for the Passage to Rhodes in France, caused by demands of a tenth by King Charles VII of France, and confirms that he did not grant any tenth to the king.

7 October, 1441. Rhodes.
Master Fr. Jean de Lastic and the Convent grant Fr. Rogerius de Jude, head of the preceptories of Mechelen and Herford, in order to advance his position, [...] baiulliam nostram de Rhod et Rhodenburg [...], which is vacant. He remains the head of Mechelen and Herford. [...] (NLM Arch. 355, fol. 153r, register = liber bullarum 1441-1442 / J. M. van Winter, Sources concerning the Hospitallers of St. John in the Netherlands, 1998, Bulls and Letters, n. 40)

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