30 April, 1351. Rhodes.
Master fr. Déodat de Gozon orders a passagium to the Levant for 1352 with a certain number of knights. (NLM 318, 13v / Sarnowsky, Johanniter und Smyrna, 2, p. 51, No. 7)

12 September, 1351. Villeneuve.
Clement VI to the Hospitaller Master Déodat de Gozon: asks for the reception of nobilem virum Hugonem de Fonte, domicellum Cavalliensis dioecesis in the order. - Dilecto filio Deodato de Gosono [...] Ut dilectum filium [...]. Datum apud Villamnovam Avinionensis diocesis, II idus septembris, anno decimo.. (Reg. Vat. 145, fol. 157, littere precum / Lettres Clément VI, 2, 5059, p. 212)

13 September, 1351. Villeneuve
Clement VI to the Archbishop of Rhodes: orders him to cite certain witnesses which will be nominated by the Hospitaller master to render account to the Camera Apostolica concerning the stipendia for the people employed in the galleys in Latin Greece. -Venerabili fratri [...] episcopo Colocensi. Cum dilectus filius Deodatus de Gosono [...] Datum apud Villamnovam Avinionensis diocesis, idibus septembris, anno decimo. (Reg. Vat. 145, fol. 57r, de camera / Lettres Clément VI, 2, 5060, p. 212)

24 September, 1351
Clement VI to the Hospitallers: asks for financial help for King Constantine of Armenia. - [originally to the King of Cyprus], mutatis mutandis dilectis filiis magistro et conventui Hospitalis S. J. J. (Reg. Vat. 145, fol. 83v-84r / Lettres Clément VI, 2, 2503(a), p. 352)

24 September, 1351
Clement VI to the Hospitaller Master Déodat de Gozon: recommendation for Constantine de Portellis. - [originally to the King of Armenia], mutatis mutandis dilecto filio Deodato de Gosono, magistro Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerosolimitani. (Reg. Vat. 145, fol. 84r / Lettres Clément VI, 2, 2504(b), p. 352)

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