
7 February, 1467
Decision of the chapter that the new master elected after the death of the present master - whom God may preserve - shall follow the regulations on the treasury with the same vigour like the present master. If the elected is not on Rhodes, three brethren shall be chosen to control the strict observation of the agreements. - NLM Arch.283, fol. 19v. Register of chapter / council decisions,
Liber conciliorum. -

Die 7 Februarii 1466 in vigore capituli generalis pro securitate et observatione deliberatorum in capitulo generali tam pro regimine communis quam alias est deliberatum ordinatum et institutum per domini dicti capituli quod contingente obitum reverendissimi domini magistri, quem deus conservet, in eo casu ille, qui succedet sibi in magisterio obligetur et teneatur observare et adimplere illa pacta ad vigorem que ipse reverendissimus dominus magister habet cum thesauro pro regimine conventus. Et si ille qui eligetur fuerit in partibus occiduis seu absens a conventu Rodi, quod usque adventum suum per assembleam publicam eligentur tres religiosi fratribus et ydonei qui observent dicta pacta. [...]


first adaptation 28.09.2016 Jürgen Sarnowsky / revised 28.09.2016 /
status: excerpts only, not proofread /
for any comments: send me an e-mail
Juergen.Sarnowsky@uni-hamburg.de  (Jürgen Sarnowsky)

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