
24 January, 1467
Decision on the payments for the expenses of the receptors coming to the chapter general: those with debts less than 300 fl. shall receive their parts, thus the receptor of St Gilles shall get 40 fl. of Rhodes, and the others accordingly. The priors of St Gilles and Portugal shall define the ratio and inform the receptors. - NLM Arch.283, fol. 18r. Register of chapter / council decisions,
Liber conciliorum. -

Die 24 Januarii 1466 super expensis receptorum qui venerunt ad capitulum consideratis multis occasionibus est deliberatum, quod receptores qui non fuerant debitores communi thesauri ultra summam fl. 300 habeant aliquid secundum hanc rationem, et quod receptor prioratus Sancti Egidii habeat fl. Rodi currente 40ta et ceteri secundum hanc rationem [...] et quod reverendi domini priores Sancti Egidii et Portugalie hanc rationem faciant et respondeant receptoribus. [...]


first adaptation 28.09.2016 Jürgen Sarnowsky / revised 28.09.2016 /
status: excerpts only, not proofread /
for any comments: send me an e-mail
Juergen.Sarnowsky@uni-hamburg.de  (Jürgen Sarnowsky)

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