
6 June, 1450
Note on deliberations in the council (Master Fr Jean de Lastic, Fr Raymond Richart, Prior of Saint-Gilles, the conventual prior, the marshal, the turcopolier, the lieutenant of the grand preceptor, and others) in which the Draper Fr Pere de Linyan reports that the Castellan of Amposta, Fr Pere Ramon Zacosta, has ordered that the preceptory of Caspe should pay a certain amount of money to the treasury; since he holds Caspe since 28 years, the Draper protests against this order. - NLM Arch. 362, fol. 63(64)r. Register. - --

Dia Sabado a 6 dias del mes de Junio anno de 1450 stando el senyor mo don fra Johan dele Stico en su honorable consello [...] en qual [...] fue personalment costituido fray Pedro de Linyan draper del convento de Rodes, el qual dixo, [...] que don fray Pere Ramon Cacosta castellan de Amposta aya asygnado o fecho asignation dela come[nda] de Casp[e] als trasoro de Rodes pora pagar ciertas quantidades de moneda [...].

Et como la dita comenda de Casp[e] sea de mi dito frai Pero laqual he poseido pacificament et sens de contradition alcuna [...] 28 annos, [...] non consiento en la dita asignation fecha por le dito castellan [...], contradigo et protiesto [...]


first adaptation 13.12.2008 Jürgen Sarnowsky / revised 13.12.2008 /
status: first much incomplete transcript, not proofread. /
for any comments: send me an e-mail
Juergen.Sarnowsky@uni-hamburg.de  (Jürgen Sarnowsky)

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