
6 June, 1450
Entry of the answer of the Castellan of Amposta Fr Pere Ramon Zacosta concerning the protest of the Draper Fr Pere de Linyan because of the additional payments from Caspe; the Castellan refers to the agreement in the litigation between the Draper and Fr Ezbert de Villamari in which the Draper even appealed to the Queen of Arag–n to the detriment of the Order; the agreement included the resignation of Caspe to the Castellan and an exchange of financial rights between the Draper and Fr Ezbert de Villamari. - NLM Arch. 362, fol. 65(66)v-66(67)r. Register. - --

Et fra Pere Ramon Cacosta castella de Amposta [...] [...] Lo dit castella mogut de compassio seu concordia enfre los [...] dits fra Pedro e fra Vilamari, co es, que lo dit fra Pedro renuncia absoltament la comanda de Casp[e] al dit castella de Amposta, e lo dit castella renuncia la comanda de Novillas qui era una de ses cambres e valia tant de renda com la de Casp[e]. [...] / (66(67)r) [...] et corrigendi. Altissimus etc.(a)


(a) It follows the note of the Vice-chancellor Helisseo on the copying of the answer into the register, according to the order of the Master, 6 July, 1450.

first adaptation 13.12.2008 Jürgen Sarnowsky / revised 13.12.2008 /
status: first much incomplete transcript, not proofread. /
for any comments: send me an e-mail
Juergen.Sarnowsky@uni-hamburg.de  (Jürgen Sarnowsky)

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