
01 April, 1450
The Master Fr Jean de Lastic and the Convent make known that they have bought 177 pecias of cloth from Mallorca worth 2832 ducats (16 ducats per pecia) from Francesco de Bruwyon merchant from Mallorca; they also bought 2 pannos black cloth worth 90 ducats and two big black pieces of cloth (cordellatos) worth 66 ducats 6 giliatos (33 ducats 3 giliatos per piece); the sum of 2988 ducats 6 giliatos has to be paid within six months until 26 September, 1450. - NLM Arch. 362, fol. 149(150)v. Register. - --


first adaptation 17.12.2008 Jürgen Sarnowsky / revised 17.12.2008 /
status: calendar only. /
for any comments: send me an e-mail
Juergen.Sarnowsky@uni-hamburg.de  (Jürgen Sarnowsky)

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