
9 September, 1427
Note on the order for fr Guilhem de Sant Julian preceptor of Alamarza to return the preceptory of Palliau to fr. Imbert de Liren, following in obedience. - NLM Arch. 347, fol. 68v. Register. - --.

Fuit factum mandatum fratri Gulielmo de Sancto Juliano preceptori de Alamarza, quod debeat restituere preceptoriam de Palliau fratri Imberto de Liren preceptori dicte preceptorie sub virtute sancte obedientie. Et si ius aliquod pretendit habere, debeat comparere infra terminum iuris, alias proceditur contra ipsum secundum formam stabilimentorum.

Datum Rhodi die nona mensis Septembris modo ut supra.

first adaptation 06.09.2017 Jürgen Sarnowsky / revised 06.09.2017 Jürgen Sarnowsky /
status: first incomplete transscript, not compared with original and edition /
for any comments: send me an e-mail
Juergen.Sarnowsky@uni-hamburg.de  (Jürgen Sarnowsky)

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