TS1310.04.04 - 4 April, 1310, --. - Pope Clement V to the archbishop of Mainz and his suffragans: informs him that the council at Vienne has to be postponed because the inquiry against the Templars is not yet completed. (Regestum Clementis, 5, no. 6293, p. 397 / Regesten der Erzbischöfe von Mainz, 1, 1, no. 1321)

TS1310.12.23 - 4 April, 1310, --. - Pope Clement V to the archbishop of Mainz and his suffragans: declares that the judgements of the archbishop of Mainz and his suffragans against the Templars - sive in absolvendo sive in condempnando sint habiti - are null and void because the bishops exceeded their mandate. This only included to inquire against single Templars, in contempt of the apostolic see and to the detriment of Christianity. (Regestum Clementis, 6, no. 6666, p. 83 / Regesten der Erzbischöfe von Mainz, 1, 1, no. 1392)

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