TS1222.04.17 - 17 April, 1222, Rome, Lateran. - Pope Honorius III to Master and brethren of the Templars: repraches them that they act against the brethren of the House of St. Mary of the Germans because of their white mantles for which they have received a papal privilege. Inc. Quanto vos ampliori. (Regesta Pontificum, II, 6814, p. 591)

*1222.07.23 - 23 July, 1222, s.l. - Pope Honorius III grants an indulgence of relaxation of twenty days of enjoined penance for everyone donating money to the Templars for the erection of Pilgrims' Castle (Atlit) for which 3000 Byzants are needed. The castle will be best suited to defend the Christians in the East.

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