TS1187.00.00 - [1187-26 July, 1188], --. - Pope Clement III mandates archdeacon I. and archpresbiter A. of Zadar / Zara, plebanus Peter of Sv. Štef (St. Stephen) and subdeacon Matthew from the church Sv. Stošija (St. Anastasia) to investigate and settle the conflict between the brethren of the Crociferi (fratribus ordinis Cruciatorum) and the Templars concerning the church Sv. Kriza (Holy Cross) near Zadar / Zara. (Deperditum, mentioned in the confirmation of the decision of the delegated judges by Clement III dated 26 July, 1188 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 413)

TS1187.12.30 - 30 December, [1187], Pisa. - Pope Clement III to the archbishops and bishops of Spain: asks to urge the believers to donate more than usual, faced by the heavy losses of the Christians and especially the Templars in the Holy Land, and to keep them from encroachments against the houses of the order. Quanta sint dilecti filii nostri. (Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragón, Gran Priorato de Cataluña de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusaleń, Pergaminos, Armario 9 [Bulas], no. 108 / Hiestand, Papsturkunden, 1, no. 199, p. 381 / Regesta Imperii, IV, 4, 4, 4, no. 15)

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