18 June, 1496
Henry VII grants a pardon to John Kendale, prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England, successor to John Weston, late prior, one of the justices of the peace in Essex and Middlesex. (Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry VII, 2, p. 49)

19 June, 1496
Election of Fr Jacques Caliot as Treasurer.

10 October, 1496. Rhodes.
Fr. Pierre d'Aubusson, Grand Master, and the Convent appoint Fr. Thomas van Rothusen, knight of the Order in the priorate of Germany, as head of the preceptory of Arnhem and Nimwegen after resignation by its last head Fr. Johann von Hatstein. (NLM Arch. 392, fol. 95r, copy, register = liber bullarum 1494-1496 / J. M. van Winter, Sources concerning the Hospitallers of St. John in the Netherlands, 1998, Bulls and Letters, n. 83)

22 October, 1496. [Rhodes].
Order is given fratri Petro Stoltz, magno bailivo and head of the preceptories of Frankfurt and Mainz, and fratri Joanni de Usterwich baiulivo Coloniensi and head of the preceptories of Wesel and Borken ac baiulio in Traiecto Inferiori, to introduce Fr. Thomas van Rothusen in his preceptory of Arnhem and Nimwegen. (NLM Arch. 392, fol. 96v, chancery note, register = liber bullarum 1494-1496 / J. M. van Winter, Sources concerning the Hospitallers of St. John in the Netherlands, 1998, Bulls and Letters, n. 84)

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