
19 July, 1509
Conflict on the incomes from a casale ascribed to the marshall between the proctors of the treasury and the Auvergne. The decision is postponed to the next chapter general, the incomes will be collected together. NLM Arch.81, fol. 120r-v. Register of council decisions,
Liber consiliorum. -

Die eodem cum esset orta differentia inter reverendos dominos procuratores communis thesauri ex una et procuratores venerande lingue Alvernie ex altera / (120v) super collectione fructuum casalis et vinee quod dominus marescalli super quibus lata fuit heri sententiam et quelibet pretenderit dictos fructibus colligere, per reverendissimum dominum magnum magistrum et consilium cum scrutinio ballotarum fuit ordinatum et determinatum quod dominus locumtenens reverendi domini senescalli pro thesauro et procurator venerande lingue Alvernie pro dicta lingua colligant fructibus et redditus dicti casalis et vinee cum bono et iusto computo eos que teneant ad instanciam predictarum partium nomine sequenti usque ad proximis futuri generalis capituli determinationem [...].


first adaptation 20.08.2016 Jürgen Sarnowsky / revised 20.08.2016 /
status: excerpts only, not proofread /
for any comments: send me an e-mail
Juergen.Sarnowsky@uni-hamburg.de  (Jürgen Sarnowsky)

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